Find Me in the Night?!
So it's approaching 4:30AM as I write this.
Usually, if I'm highly eager, this is the time where I would be awaking from my slumber to get ready for the day (that rarely happens but it has a couple times).
Anywho, today I am already up, and have been since approx. 8:00AM yesterday. I wasn't feeling very well in the morning and missed my regular Prayer Room time for the day.
After a fairly mundane day, I was feeling dry and really just wanting to dig into the Word and press into God for a while. So after watching a movie I wouldn't recommend to anyone, I decided to wash myself in the water of His Word for a while. I walked into the Prayer Room at 11:45 and have been here since. I actually think I'll just camp out here until Noon today. I love it.
The Prayer Room really varies in atmosphere depending on what section you're in. Including the nightwatch now, I have been to most sections and still love the morning section (Yes, I'm biased). But, in reality, it's pointless to compare for one reason:
Having the opportunity to be in a Prayer Room with live worship and intercession at any time of the day is a gift.
When I go home from the PR here, it's kind of easy to forget that just because I've stopped, it hasn't. When you're asleep, there's still (here and in many other cities and nations across the world)incense rising to God; perpetually, never doesn't stop. Pause and think about that for a never stops.
What a great reality.
I love it here but my time is drawing to a close. In one month I'm back home and I'm not 100% sure how I feel about that.
O well, I will savour as much as I can! For now, it's back to Alisha Powell's intercession set :-)
I can imagine thinking about coming home could be a little hard! What an incredible experience you've had and are having! Enjoy your time!
And pray that we get the 24/7 gift as well!
Posted by Kristi | February 29, 2008 at 8:44 a.m.