Sunday, December 30, 2007

3 days.....

It's finally hitting me....

Last Sunday at SHOP was when the "hey you won't be here soon" reality began to sunk in. I looked around and saw the people that I've so closely bonded with over this past year and realized that I won't see them for a few months. I shed a couple tears...who knows what will happen today!

My last day at work was the 27th. And now the last days are approaching. Though my mother would love for me to stay until the 2nd, I do believe I will head out on the 1st. A little bit of fear is creeping in. Not enough to scare me off, but the reality of it all is knocking at my door!

Fear and excitement is an icky combination:)

So at the three day mark....there's most definitely mixed emotions, but excitement is winning the battle.

I'll let you know how it's going on New Year's eve!


P.S: Kristi, your poem was very touching. I've never had anyone create an Ode to me...I feel loved:)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Leaving for Kansas City in 14 Days

Well, if you didn't know before, sorry!

I'm heading out to Kansas City for 3 months on New Year's Day.

If you haven't been tracking my life as of lately (which would be the majority of people), it's been a year long challenge that's finally about to take place.

After many "yes, I'm going"'s and "nope, it's not going to work out"'s, I'll be on the road soon. An incredible family has agreed to letting me stay with them for the 3 months that I'm there.
Although I'm unable to do a literal internship out there for the time being, I will be taking many teaching cd's to listen to, spending time in the prayer room daily, and who knows what else while out there. More concrete plans will take place as I go along:)

This entire mini-move has been the proverbial carrot dangling in front of me for quite a while. It was always within reach, but I could never actually reach it. I thought it would never come, but in the back of my head, I could almost taste it at all times.

Now, I am on my way. The countdown has begun, and I'm looking forward to the journey. I'm going to miss Winnipeg tons, and SHOP more than I can imagine, but I know that this is a necessary step in the bigger picture (also a desired one).

I count it an awesome privilege to be able to take 3 months, and fully consecrate it unto God with no other distractions. To be in a place where there are no demands on me from others, nothing else trying to grab my attention, and no one to take care of besides myself really. A place where, any time of day or night, I can walk into a room and there's at least 40 people already in there, worshipping God and crying out to Him in intercession and adoration. Incredible really (and can't wait until it's established in Winnipeg!)

It's going to be a life-changing, frustrating and beautiful time. I'm excited and can't wait!

I'll update this as often as I can with thoughts and lessons learned. Hopefully I'll hear from some of you:)
In the meantime, whenever you think of me while I'm out there, please pray for me!

Love to you all:)