Sunday, September 30, 2007

onething Winnipeg!

onething is coming to Winnipeg! Best of all this conference is absolutely free! This is not a typo and you are reading the statement right. The conference is ABSOLUTELY FREE!! If you are a Winnipegger or living in Manitoba then this will be music to your ear.

If you are a Youth Pastor, or Youth leader, I highly recommend you bring your youth to this conference . There is no conference that I have ever been to that is like this conference. It will change and challenge you and your youth group.

The conference is being held on October 26-27 at Calvary Temple in Winnipeg. To register click on any of the words that say onething on this page. For more details click on anything that says onething as well.

What is onething exactly?

onething is a part of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Missouri (IHOP–KC). Beginning in 1999, Mike Bickle gathered a few young adults together to start a prayer meeting that has continued night and day since. With every prayer meeting having a full worship team, they total 84 two-hour prayer meetings a week with over 1,000 people involved, continuing over eight years of unceasing night and day prayer, and continue to watch the fire on the altar burn unceasingly.

It is from this seedbed of night and day prayer that they call this generation to a wholehearted pursuit of God, challenging them to seek Him with lives of prayer, fasting and fulfilling the Great Commission. Each year, they have over nine conferences around the nation. Also, they offer two leadership summits and a youth conference, which imparts vision and demonstrates practical ways to living out wholehearted devotion. They desire to see millions of young adults have deep understanding of God’s emotions and profound knowledge of the hour in which they live.

This post is modified and taken from Shane's Blog. To see a video clip for more information on onething , check out this post.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

SoS Thoughts...

Before February this year, I avoided Song of Solomon like the plague. If there was one book in the Bible I ignored, it was SoS.

It's interesting what a few months and serious study of the Word can do for you. Of course, without the right paradigm when reading this book, it seems like a romance fiction in the middle of the Bible, and it seems misplaced.

The Bridal paradigm has opened up this book to me in such a new and real way. It leaves me desiring deeper encounters with Jesus the Bridegroom, not just Jesus the Master (Hosea 2:16) each time I read it.

Right now I am studying Chapter 2:8-17. What I'm personally dealing with is Jesus calling me out of my comfort zone (v.10-13). For quite some time He's been saying, "Rise up my love, my fair one. And come away." However, I've been quite content to sit behind our wall (v.9), in confinement, and where He was sustaining me with cakes of raisins and refreshing me with apples. (v.4).

But now, the time of fruitfulness is here. It's time to rise up and go where He's going. I'm wanting to have a yes in my heart that won't flinch or draw back when His "away" isn't the "away" I thought it would be. I want to have confidence when I say Awake O north wind! (4:16). Confidence that isn't founded on my ability to stand on my own. I want to be found leaning on my beloved after coming up from the wilderness.

I believe He's saying "Are you coming or not? I'm going up the mountain and the only way for you to find me is to get up and come away with me." I so deeply want my response to be a wholehearted yes, despite the cost.

The plan to get up the mountain is to first "catch the foxes. The little foxes that spoil the vines." (v.15) These little compromises are the real kickers. From my understanding, foxes are quick, subtle animals that destroyed the vineyards in Israel at night. They are incredibly sneaky and hard to catch.

It's the little things in life that you never really stop to think about. Even the little habits you render harmless (spending way too much time on Crackbook!). In reality, these "little things" are spoiling the vineyard of your heart, stealing the fruits of your labour, and leaving your heart in a mess of spoiled fruit and barren vines.....

All of this writing means nothing though, without a sincere heart behind it. I truly want to get out of my comfort zone, and be in wholehearted agreeance with Jesus and EVERYTHING He does. I don't want little compromises to get in the way of this pursuit.

Time to go up the mountain....