Thursday, November 29, 2007

Plugged Ears and Closed Eyes

I`m listening to Billy Humphrey`s message from Setpember on Overcoming Human Trafficking and it's arrested me with a new found sense of urgency in my spirit.

While I was listening to it, I had a picture/vision. I won't go into great detail but there was the shedding of innocent blood, and the perversion of this age running rampant through the streets, and those who would be considered the "Church" were walking around with their fingers in their ears, and eyes closed to everything going on.

I strongly feel that that's exactly the state in which we are in right now. If you look across the globe right now, over 27 million people are being trafficked and a large portion of that number is children related to the sex trade.
Over 40 million babies have been aborted in the US alone since 1973. That's almost 4000 lives terminated a day!
Stats have shown that approx. 93% of abortions have been performed due to "social reasons" (aka, the child is unwanted or an inconvenience). I just read an article about women aborting kids or sterilizing themselves as not to "pollute" the planet with babies.

This isn't right. We're offering up children as a sacrifice to the god of convenience or in the name of being environmentally friendly. The spirit of the age is becoming prevalent rather rapidly. (2 Timothy 3:1-7)

Now is not the time for the Church to plug their ears, close their eys, find their happy closet and just love Jesus, completely oblivious to what is happening in the world. Now is the time to partner with Christ in intercession, and establish justice in the earth. Isaiah mentioned twice that the Lord looked for someone to partner with Him, but found no one. Don't be mistaken, it's not because He couldn't do it on His own.
It states that since there was no one to partner with Him, His own right hand brought Him justice and salvation. (Isaiah 59:15-16, 63:5) .

Now is the time to awaken ourselves to reality. None of this is a game, a fairy-tale, a day-dream or even a nightmare. It is time to cry out for justice for the defenseless. It's time to be a voice for the voiceless. Let Psalm 10:15 be our prayer.

God, I ask You, that with ears and eyes open, that the church will partner with Your Son to see justice established. It is not right that there are 5 and 10 year olds having to endure days and nights of being raped sometimes up to 30 or more times, living in terrible conditions, wondering when they can die. It's not right that an entire generation is being wiped out on a daily basis and it's considered acceptable. O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth! Rise up, O Judge of the earth.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Corn and Bibs..

I've created a habit that sucks a lot of time out of my day, and I should stop, but there are rare moments that I'm glad i have this tiny habit.

I've been looking at current friends blogs dated back to when I had no clue who they were. A majority of the time, it's great posts and fun to see how much they've grown over the last year even a couple months.

There are, however, some ridiculously hilarious posts that they display and I think I found my brought tears to my eyes...

I won't mention names, but a certain person created a bib for his wife's glasses because the corn on the cob always splashed corn juice on the glasses and it upset her, greatly.

Now coming out of my lips (if you can imagine it), it doesn't sound nearly as funny, but when you know the personality of this guy, and could imagine him telling you the story himself, it will crack you up.

For those that actually read my blog, you can figure it out..and perhaps have as great a laugh as I did!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Ever have one of those days where your head feels heavier than every other part of your body, and you'd like to crawl in a corner and die?

Yea, this is one of those days....
I hate asthma...

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Momentary Light Afflictions

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©2007 *Acwraith

I apologize in advance if this blog has no particular focus…just getting some thoughts out on “paper”
At this moment I’m relaxing at Starbucks on Regent, my favourite place to curl up with a Venti Gingerbread Latte (they’re back!) on a chilly fall evening.

Just thinking about life and where it’s heading for me right now. Last weekend was incredible and it really did stir something new and at the same time stir something that’s always been within me. The onething team was great and I strongly believe God strategically brought them to Winnipeg at this space in time for a specific reason. (that’s another blog in itself at another time!)

Justin Rizzo spoke at a break-out session on Saturday evening coming out of 2 Corinthians 4:7-18, a great passage dealing with finding the joy in pain and suffering. He brought it from an angle of letting God in to heal past and present hurts now, instead of letting them heal incorrectly on their own, only to have them broken again to heal correctly.

For myself, I know that’s a place where I’ve had a lot of difficulty letting God in. I know His leadership over my life is perfect, but sometimes I like to have my own say in the matter (if you know me, you know that I’m pretty vocal and highly opinionated sometimes). Sometimes I feel like I need to fix the problem on my own not realizing that though it was healed, it healed incorrectly.

He gave the example of a broken bone that healed crooked. To the extent of my knowledge, when a bone is healed crooked, complications aren’t visible right away. However, sooner or later, the crooked healing will have to be dealt with. Depending on how long it’s been misaligned, the bone itself would have to be broken again in order to guide it into correct alignment and to avoid further complications.

God, as our Father and healer wants to come and heal the bone the first time, but in our stubborn, humanistic mindset, we refuse His entrance and attempt to fix things ourselves, which usually ends up in a misaligned healing. It’s sad really. After the wound heals misaligned, He’ll eventually have to come, break it again and correct the alignment.

This is where I protest (not sure about anyone else but I’ll be honest) and wonder why on earth He’s breaking it again, not realizing that it was me who first denied His healing 10 odd years earlier. As Justin said, if you see a person in their 40’s or 50’s who’s bitter and angry, it most likely wasn’t something that happened recently. It’s because of years of wrong choices and wounds that have healed incorrectly.

So this past week, and even just thinking about it tonight, there’s a few wounds that have been healed but need to be broken again and aligned correctly in my life. I know that once these are aligned now, that it will be a lot easier to endure pain and suffering but also find the joy in it. After all, “our light affliction, which is for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory… (2 Corinthians 4:17)”.

~I’m Yours to take and break but make me sensitive to You. I’ve come too far to turn around now. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do, to hear Your words of life God, to be as close to You as any man has ever dared to come.
-Luke Wood~